Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Well, hello

So, here we go with a first posting. I doubt this will attract all that much notice from the world, but it feels quite a big thing for me. 

Why am I blogging? Well, the basic idea of the blog sits in the description above but it feels worthy of some further explanation, to clarify my thoughts if nothing else. 

I've had contact with the fetish scene for a long time now, and I've had occasional polyamourous relationships before but the last few weeks have found me in new situations. Ones that I'd like to understand and treasure. Ones that seem worthy of both record and reflection. You see, in many years of kink and sexuality (over 20 years scarily, though I did start early!) I have never found myself in the position of having a partner I love so deeply and  a circle of such good kinky friends. To add a wonderful new person into that, and share her exploration of kink for the first time is quite something.   

The idea for this blog came about nine days ago, sitting in the garden sipping a mohito in blazing sunshine early on Sunday afternoon after a wonderfully sensual weekend. I had just said that there are times when life is just good. I was feeling warm, loving, sated and very lucky with my head full of the image of earlier that morning, bringing two wonderful women to a simultaneous climax as they clung to each other and kissed frantically. Wonderful and intoxicating. 

Lyra commented that her only worry was that much of the time we had spent together felt really wonderful, but was so removed from normal reality that after a few days it started to feel like a beautiful dream, and dreams fade and feel unreal. It would be good to hold on to those memories fresh. 

This tapped into some thoughts of mine that had been rattling around for a while. Before Lyra ever joined us to explore kink I had been blogging some memories on a private blog and thinking about blogging more publically to see if input and comment might shed some light on questions I had set aside but never resolved - most notably, why did I enjoy kink in the first place and the big question of why on earth I enjoy being dominant or "topping". 

I'd discussed this at some length with Abel (of "the spanking writers"), who was very positive about what he had gained from feedback to his site. So, here we go. Let's record and preserve some memories, and let's see if that reflection allows me to understand more fully myself and my kink. 

I think I will be helped in that by Lyras contributions to this blog. She plans on posting just as actively as I do. It will be interesting to hear things from her perspective and as we both explore how we respond to situations it may help both our understandings.

Time commitments and other blogging mean that we will hear less from the third person involved, but I hope she will contribute occasionally, at least in comment form (it seems odd referring to my wonderful life partner as "the third person" when she is the strongest influence on me, I love her with a passion and she is the most impressive woman I've ever known, but I'm still waiting for her to pick a pseudonym!).

We are planning to progress this blog chronologically, as it happened, but at an increased pace so that we catch up the eight weeks or so since we first talked about kink in a few weeks and can then post in real time. That means that there are pieces waiting already written that will be posted later. I'll try and let people know where stuff was composed out of sequence. In my considerations about why I enjoy topping, I may draw on some other recent experiences as well, though these will definately be out of sequence.

By the nature of exploration, there are no guarantees that this will progress smoothly and stably. It is possible that by the time we have caught up with our backlog of experiences and are running in real time, we will no longer be lovers with Lyra, though I sincerely hope that is not the case. I think that our friendship and similar direction of enquiry means that this blog will carry on regardless but, hey, we'll have to see where it goes! I'm hoping to be celebrating the anniversary of the site with champagne and stories of our latest life affirming exploits. 

As one final thought, you may be wondering what "kink" means to us, after all it's a broad church. I'm not going to try and define it here, I think that will be quite obvious enough when we get round to discussing it!

So, welcome and I hope some of you out there enjoy reading what we put down, and can contribute to our journey with your thoughts. 


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